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Panther Sightings

Just a few places in media I've seen Panthers, or at least their generic "cousins". If I can provide info on the vehicle, I will.

Seems to be a 79-86 Country Squire I saw looking at an episode of the new Transformers series; Cyberverse. Bumblebee was in the Decepticon ship he and Wingblade stole, turning on an earth tv broadcast by accident, trying to press a button he's not supposed to.

 The 5-0, named after the show Hawii 5-0, from Saints Row II.  One thing I read claimed the 5-0, Interest, and Taxi are based off a civilian counterpart called the Alex-S.

The Albany Washington from GTA IV. The Washington has been in many games, but in GTA IV&V it has taken on a more Town Car appearance. I can't remember if there was a Grand Marquis equivilant or not.

The GTA IV version of the Vapid SPC(Stanier Police Cruiser) returns in GTA V as a civilian model, based loosely off the 92-7 aerovic, some were used as taxis. Below is the whale Stanier, the newer model Vapid Stanier only seen as a police cruiser or FIB vehicle.

So a friend of mine downloaded some free game called Goat Simulator, where you wrecl havoc as a goat, one of the seemingly three vehicles in the game you cam destroy is this Crown Vic looking car. Kinda looks like a 98-02 with a GCC grille. Jan 13 2020.

*This page will be updated as I run across others.


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