With the unknown fate of CrownVic.Net(CVN), I decided to take what I can to preserve the invaluable knowledge on the site, as well as anywhere else I can find it. Whatever pictures are there are what it is, espcially with the advent as all us forum users have been aware of for a year or two; Photobuckets greedy, moronic act of making hyperlinking images a part of paid member services. If the king shall fall; there are other places you can join as a panther owner. I am also updating this entry to say; I do not own any of the pictures you find here! They were saved or screenshot from various messageboards and websites, posted by members of therein, or owners of sites. I hate to have to say all this, but people get stupid or petty. All I'm doing is compiling as much info as I can, that could be lost, or not found where ever. As well as new things. The pictures oughta be free use, as they are informative or posted to help others. It also keeps the pics from getting lost for...
I want to add that first; modding your panther won't be cheap. I forgot to mention that, the first time. We don't have the vast amount of parts, say a Mustang, or Civic would have. Secondly; what we do have is in a way expensive... or cheap bastards such as myself and cheap Panther owners might say the parts are expensive. If you compare some of it to other cars, you'll see the prices are about the same, though. We should be thankful that anybody took the time to engineer parts for our cars, since it's not seen as a performance platform. I'm betting the Maurader had some play in that. You'll see.many people say "GeT a MuStAnG." I like them too, but I love sedans and these cars can be built to perform fine. You'll also see things like it's too heavy. Yes and no. Average wieght of Panthers is between 3800 and 4200 lbs. Mine was wieghed on a junk scale at 3950 with me, another person, some carry junk in it. I was around 250lbs and the other per...